
More short reviews of games I barely played

I have a bunch of school stuff to do in the next couple of weeks but I finished my last essay early so I earned myself a little bit of breathing room, and since I have way too many unplayed games in my Steam library I thought it seemed like a good time to briefly try out a few games to see if they're worth playing more of.

Homefront (20 mins played)

This game is aggressively dumb and utterly generic. It's like the modern Wolfenstein games but worse in every way.

Darksiders (20 mins)

Holy shit this is boring. You just run along a fixed path forever pressing the attack button until the monsters die.

Killer is Dead (20 mins)

Exactly the same game as Darksiders but instead of some dumb bullshit about the four horsemen of the apocalypse it's some nonsensical anime bullshit about assassins.

F1 2015 (5 mins)

This is clearly a game for people who take their racing games about a thousand times more seriously than I do. It was amusing how disappointed my... coach? Whoever the guy was talking in my ear anyway... was in me for in my repeated infractions of such petty rules as "don't ram other cars with your car" and my almost immediate disqualification.

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor (35 mins)

This game might be fun but it's really hard to tell. There's a lot of complexity right off the bat and a bunch of exposition to get through that I just do not give a single shit about. The controls also seem pretty awkward; like, hold the space bar to sprint? Who does that?

Warmachine Tactics (20 mins)

Similar to the combat mechanics of the Shadowrun games but in a more straightforward setting, focused almost entirely around an ongoing war. So it's not so much an RPG as, I guess, turn-based strategy? I'll probably play some more of it when I have time though, because I do like this type of gameplay. Then again, the UI is not as good as Shadowrun's (and that's saying something) and the story is dull as dishwater, so I may end up not getting very far with it anyway.

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified (10 mins)

Cover-based shooter. Every time someone says "Agent Carter" I just wish it was the other Agent Carter. I'd play that game. This one, probably not.

<< Quick reviews part twoMore of the Steam backlog >>

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