
Star Trek: Discovery - Light and Shadows

Spock. Spock? Spock Spock. Spooooock. Spock? Spock? Spock. Spock! Spoooock! Yeah, this was a shit episode.

So much drama.
Michael goes to visit her parents and discovers her mum's got Spock hidden away in some kind of anti-telepathy cave so no one can find him. There are a lot of flashbacks to Michael's childhood, references to Alice in Wonderland, and family drama. Then Sarek finds out that Amanda's hiding Spock and for some reason he decides that sending him to Section 31 is the best idea, and Michael agrees. I guess because everyone on this show is real dumb.

See, they used to be friends, but now they don't talk because Michael did something terrible that she won't talk about.
So Michael takes Spock to Section 31 and the dude in charge there is all reassuring and like "we're going to take good care of him, don't worry" and she believes him until the emperor tells her they're actually going to use some kind of horrible mind probe on him. Georgiou tells Michael to attack her and save Spock, which Michael does. Then after the escape Georgiou and S31 guy have a vague conversation about stuff and Georgiou tells him she'll tell Michael that it was him who killed her parents if he doesn't do what she says and oh my god I do not give a single fuck.

Michelle Yeoh is still wasted on this role.
Meanwhile the Discovery is investigating a big spinny glowy thing in space. Pike and Voqler go into it and get stuck but then Stamets saves them with mushroom magic. Also there's hints of some time travel shenanigans and something (from the future?) hacks the robot woman. Who I assume is not actually a robot because Data's supposed to be the first sentient AI, isn't he? But she gets her brain hacked by some flashing lights? Whatever. This kind of thing has been done to death and I'm not invested at all.

There are four lights! Oh wait, no, my mistake, only three.
Oh, and amidst Spock's rambling he kept saying some numbers and Michael figures out that the sequence is actually backwards and is coordinates for Talos IV, the planet from the original Star Trek pilot episode The Cage, which I think has already happened at this point? I don't know, I don't care. This is dumb.

Spock is writing on walls, which on TV means that he's either crazy or a genius... or both?
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