
Marvel's Inhumans - Make Way for... Medusa

In episode four, some of Maximus's personal motivations come out and he starts to seem like more of a dick - but I'm still on his side, because even if he's doing it for the wrong reasons or going about it the wrong way, he's still doing the right thing. You might not like him at the time, but looking back on it years later you'd have to say he was a hero.

Is that Joss Whedon?
So last we left off. Black Bolt had been picked up in a helicopter by some mysterious dude and Medusa had carjacked a woman and made her chase the helicopter. That's still happening. We find out this episode that helicopter guy is actually working for Maximus, and they find out that they need Black Bolt alive for their secret plan to try to give normal people (starting with Maximus) super powers. And again, I can't really fault them for any of this. Maximus is correct when he says that Black Bolt is super dangerous and should be killed for the safety of everyone else around him - if he had a nightmare he could level a city - and if I lived in a world where super powers exist I'd want someone to come up with a way for me to get them.

Why are scientists so often evil?
Auran and Mordis and their team are still hunting for the royal family and catch up with Black Bolt and his new buddy just as they're escaping from helicoper guy There's a confrontation leading to an explosion. Meanwhile, Medusa endangers people's lives and shoots at some cops, gets chased, hides out in a motel, gets chased again, and arrives just in time to help Black Bolt kidnap one of the team that was chasing them.

Super hero?
Gorgon leaves his new human friends behind. Crystal meets a dude who takes her to a vet who can look after the stupid CGI dog (which that dude hit with his car). I think that's just to keep them out of the picture for a while so they don't instantly bring everyone back together. And Karnak just hangs out with the drug farmers for a while. He seems to have totally forgotten why he's there. Also one of the two male drug farmers killed the other, and Karnak and the female drug farmer don't know yet. No idea what that's about.

Nothing better to do, I guess.
Back on the moon, Maximus is solidifying his grasp on power by killing some people - which is not nice but is probably necessary, to be honest. You don't stage a successful coup and dismantle a system of oppression by being nice. He's also preparing to get himself super-powered once his allies on Earth come up with the goods.

Not a nice man.
This show isn't boring to watch, but when I write out the stuff that happens in each episode, there's really not a lot there. Very little progress is made in moving the story forward from episode to episode, and it just seems like there are way more characters than necessary. They've had to find ways to keep half the cast out of the way because they're just not important to the plot. I'm assuming there's a plan to bring it all together by the end, but it's a bit of a mess so far.

With lots of wandering through forests.
<< Divide and ConquerSomething Inhuman This Way Comes... >>

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