
Star Trek: Discovery - Saints of Imperfection

This was an extremely irritating episode. You know that thing where there's some kind of time limit, like a ticking bomb or something, and the characters just stand around chatting instead of getting the fuck out of there as quickly as possible? Yeah, that's, like, half this episode. And the other half is stupid Section 31 bullshit.

Michelle Yeoh is great but I really wish she was playing Captain Georgiou instead.
So at the end of the last episode they were chasing Spock's ship, and they catch up to it at the start of this episode - but instead of Spock it's Emperor Georgiou, and she's there with her new Section 31 buddies, Voqler and Leland. I knew Voqler was going to be in the show again because of the trailers at the end of previous episodes, but I'm still disappointed. Oh, and it's weird how everyone seems to know about Section 31 now, seeing as how in DS9 it was super-secret and only semi-official at best. I know it's, like, 100 years later or whatever, but that's like if in 2100 Americans are like "CIA? Never heard of it."

He seems about as enthusiastic to be here as I am to see him.
But the Section 31 stuff is just setup for later in the season. This episode is about rescuing Tilly, who is stuck in the mushroom kingdom. May the mushroom kidnapped her at the end of the previous episode to solicit her help in getting rid of the monster that's terrorising the toadstools. And it turns out the monster is some mysterious thing that appeared about the same time as Disco started using the spore drive, which kind of contradicts the stuff May was previously saying about Stamets being evil and terrifying or whatever. It seemed like she thought that Stamets was the monster, but it turns out she never believed that at all.

It's brighter - and bluer - than I would have expected.
Anyway, Disco does a half-jump so they're part-way in the real world and part way in the mushroom kingdom. They can only stay there for an hour though - that's the time limit I mentioned at the start - but it's not a problem because of course that's the exact amount of time they end up needing. Stamets and Michael go on the rescue mission and quickly find Tilly and May, then the four of them track down the monster - which turns out to be Dr Boyfriend. Remember him? I think Voqler killed him? Anyway, he's back now.

I feel like his beard should be longer than that. How long's it been?
There's some stupid technobabble about how energy can't be destroyed and Stamets was in contact with the mushroom kingdom when Dr Boyfriend died so he somehow sent him there. There's also the obligatory bit about how the mushrooms thought he was trying to kill them and he thought they were trying to kill him - only the mushroom s actually were so it's not really a misunderstanding, the mushrooms are just automatically aggressive to anything that comes from the normal universe. Oh, and there's some time-wasting technobabble about how they can't bring him back to the real world but May can, so she does, but that means she's not connected to Tilly any more and for some reason they're both sad about that? Whatever.

I guess May gave him a shave and a haircut?
Then there's just a little bit at the end where that admiral from last season shows up and tells Pike and Leland that they have to work together, and Voqler is now permanently assigned to Discovery as their Section 31 liaison, so that pretty much kills any optimism I had for this turning into a good show.

"Admiral" is a rank Starfleet reserves for the stupidest arseholes it can find.
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