
Unknown Games: M-S

Still playing through the games I own on Steam but don't know anything about. I've been limiting myself to the ones with full controller support and going alphabetically, so today I'm up to the M-S section. It may seem like I'm getting through them at a air rate, but that's just because most of them don't have full controller support so they're getting skipped. I'll get to those eventually. Probably.


Quick Game Reviews #9

I have over 100 games in my Steam library that I don't even know what they are. I should probably try a few of them out, right?



How to subscribe to a YouTube channel's RSS feed.

YouTube frequently makes changes that make it harder to keep up with your subscribed channels, but RSS still works. The instructions for using it are wrong though, and have been wrong for an extremely long time. They're also hard to find. So here's how to do it.

  1. Get an RSS client (eg. Thunderbird. The following instructions will assume you're using Thunderbird but should be basically applicable to any feed reader).
  2. Create one or more folders under "Feeds" to categorise your subscriptions. Or don't.
  3. Right-click a folder (or "Feeds") and click "subscribe".
  4. Under "Feed URL" paste "https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=" (without the quotation marks).
  5. Open your web browser and find a channel you want to subscribe to.
  6. If the URL contains the name of the channel (eg. https://www.youtube.com/user/Wallsy) then:
    1. Open one of that channel's videos and then click the channel name under the video to return to the channel page. This time the URL should be different.
  7. If the URL contains a string of gibberish (eg. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJpPXZwyo0fgu3h94R3P5pA), copy that gibberish.
  8. Switch back to Thunderbird and paste the gibberish from the channel URL at the end eg. https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCJpPXZwyo0fgu3h94R3P5pA
  9. Click "Add". Links to the latest videos from that channel should now be retrieved. You can set it to check for more videos automatically or just whenever you click the "Get Messages" button.


Improved Genesys Combat

The Original System

If you're already familiar with how combat works in the Genesys core rules, feel free to skip this section. This is an explanation for those who aren't familiar with it.


It's Time: A Poem

Kill your landlord
Kill your boss
Every business owner
And every middle manager
Everyone who gets paid
While someone else does the work
Kill all the politicians
And definitely the cops
They can't lock up all of us
(Especially if we killed all the cops)
Could someone else go first?



Beyond Burgers

 Saw these fake meat burgers in the supermarket so I decided to try them.


Cats (2019)

People don't like this movie? This movie is amazing. Apart from James Corden, who is awful as always, but is not in very much of it. Otherwise? Five stars. 100% jellicle. Even James Corden only drags it down to, like, 80-85%. If you cut his two scenes out of the movie you'd lose nothing of value and the movie would be perfect.