
Marvel's Runaways - Destiny

This third episode is a bit of a slow one, comparatively. The plot is moving forward, but it's slowed down now that the characters are all introduced. We get a bit more background info on some of them and the kids do a bit of sleuthing, but nothing particularly dramatic.

So they've all known each other more than ten years.
In fact, we start with a flashback to ten years previously. Two members of the real cult have just died. Maybe the Asian mum killed them? The nerd parents think they're going to be suspected of something and are making some kind of plan to deal with that. Also, the little sister isn't really the nerd's little sister, she was the daughter of the couple who died.

There's no way they can read a phone screen in that light.
Back in the present the kids meet on the beach to talk about the sacrifice they saw. They're still not sure that she's really dead, and the fake-cultist got a message from her saying she's in London. It's pretty obviously fake though, so they're not buying it and decide to do some more snooping. Also, the little sister remembers to mention the monster she saw in episode one and they decide to check that out too.

Sure, that looks 100% legit.
The nerd makes sure to get herself paired up with the jock and they go to investigate his dad's lab first up. They find some really cool x-ray specs, which they just steal, and the sacrifice box, which is empty. Deciding that's a bust they go to her house to investigate the monster instead and it turns out to be a dinosaur. Also it escapes.

I feel like this is probably a comics reference, but I'm not going to check.
The Asian goth decides to try to get her mum's magic staff out of its display case and somehow stumbles on the switch to open it up by opening a drawer. These people are absolutely terrible at hiding secret switches. Anyway, she gets the staff and it activates and she accidentally uses it to make it snow inside, so she calls the blerd to come try to help. He touches the staff and it deactivates, and they manage to clean up the room before her parents get home.

Well, this doesn't seem like it could be dangerous at all.
Meanwhile, the blerd's parents discover the little sister's hair accessory in the dad's study and decide to try to use a truth serum on her to find out if she saw them doing the sacrifice. She runs away and uses her super strength to break through a wall, but eventually gets caught anyway, so she just makes up a lie about the other kids sending her to see if the coast was clear to steal the dad's booze. And the mum decides to believe her and not use the truth serum.

No one will notice this.
There's some other minor points: the blerd almost got caught opening the secret passage but it closed itself, I think? The jock's mum's having an affair with the Asian dad. The fake-cult girl sees a painting her grandfather did of an angel glowing like she did when she took off her bracelet at the party. Oh, and the sacrificed girl's body washes up on the beach, so now the kids know she's definitely dead and the other parents know that the jock's dad fucked up. So there's some stuff happening that could lead to interesting developments, but it hasn't come together yet.

I guess her grandfather is the old man in the mask?
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