
IMPACT Turning Point

Overall Rating: ★★★●★☆☆

I've given this show an extra point because of the bit where Jonah showed up. It was cool and I like him. And honestly, skipping two of the matches made the show a better length. X Division delivers, as usual, and the Iinspiration are still the best, but the main event was a real slog. 

  1. Singles (Ace Austin vs. Chris Sabin)
    A perfectly decent opening match that went exactly as expected.
  2. Tag Team (Violent by Design vs. Heath and Rhino)
    I definitely thought this was going to be the final act of the story, and it would have been very satisfying, but I guess they're going to drag it out a bit longer? Wrestling writers often seem to have this issue of just not knowing when the right time is to end a story; probably because they adjust their plans based on audience reaction rather than coming up with a good structure and sticking to it. Love to hear the Heath fans chanting "he's got kids" though.
  3. Singles (VsK vs. Rich Swann)
  4. Singles (W Morrissey vs. Matt Cardona)
  5. Knockouts Tag Championship (The Iinspiration vs. Decay)
    I love both these teams. If they wrestled each other every week I'm sure I'd get sick of it, but not for a while.
  6. Triple Threat X Division Championship (Trey Miguel vs. Steve Maclin vs. Laredo Kid)
    Made perfect use of all three competitors and went pretty much non-stop from bell to bell. Love to see it.
  7. Knockouts Championship (Mickey James vs. Mercedes Martinez)
    This match was fine, I guess. Might have rated it higher if it weren't following that amazing previous one. It was just a bit slow and unimpressive by comparison.
  8. Men's Tag Championship (Good Brothers vs. Bullet Club)
    I guess this match was fine but I'm just not invested in this crossover. The NJPW teams just don't seem to have any reason for being here.
  9. Full Metal Mayhem Men's Championship (Moose vs. Eddie Edwards)
    I liked the bit where Moose was carrying Edwards around, looking for somewhere to throw him like Batman with a big cartoon-style bomb. I hated the bit where W Morrissey showed up to interfere. And the match lasted for 35 minutes, but seemed even longer.

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